The Winstanley Clan
2005 Daily Drool Christmas Card Exchange Display
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The Winstanley Clan 2005 Card

Page 2, week of 12/12/2005 ,page 3, week of 12/19/2005 ,page 4, week of 12/26/2005, and later

Roxy Roxy, owner of Eileen & Ralph Mondeaux, of PA.
We deliver! We think the Bassets are Gus & Carbon, according to the return address. Owners of Bill & Jean Richardson, of CA.
The fur- & feather kids of Nancy G. Guiness, Happy & Scooter Pie, owners of Nancy Gallagher, of PA.
Go Hawks!  I'm a Baskethound! Zoey, owner of Lynn & Linda Ferrell, of IA.
Fritz Family Quincy & Megan, (pictured hound, not identified), owners of Bob and Laurie Fritz, of MN.
An original Penny Lynn card. Penny Lynn, owner of Sandy & Rick Lohsen, of NM.
Left to right, back and front of card.
Inside of card.
Beauregard, Rosebud & Baxter, owners of Kathy Miller, of TN.
I'm still a hound! Bozley & Booker, owners of Beth & Ben Tchinski, of NC.
Sad Aroooooooos for Penelope, ATB 12-3-05 Penelope, (ATB 12-3-05), Chance & Molly, owners of Ron & Tami Clements, of CA.
Aw......... Pearl & Bella, owners of Robert & Sharon Hall, of CA.
What are you lookin at? Gracie, Pauline, Elmo & Dudley Lindy, owners of Bill & Donna Lindy, of GA.
We know we're a handsome trio! Go Go, Harold & Smokey, owners of Jean Harris, of GA.
Pwincess here Pw Pawcasso Blossom, owner of Cookie Goldzen, of MT.
Happy Howlidays Fizban & Pw Tasselhoff, owners of Mary Mischelle Kemp, of UT.
Merry Holiday to you! Sox & Gracie, owners of Madeline Miller, of WA.
Ranger Ranger, owner of Pam Buckingham, of OH.
Otis, the man Otis, owner of Ilene Sagen, of NJ.
Daisy Mae Daisy Mae, owner of Ann, Dale, & Ashley DeBlaey, of WI.
Too cute Monty, owner of Jim, Nancy & Eric Bishop, of TX.
Twins Bogey, the owner of Nicole Di Rini, of NJ.
Have a Merry one on us. From Sheila Gregory in TN. Along with, Dixie, Riggins, Sarah & The Bassets.
Have a mischievous Holiday! Sue & Dave Gorney with Tracker, Milo and The Shadedog (ATB) wish you a Mischievous Holiday.
MINE! Dexter, owner of Patricia Macheras, of MA.
Who's a Basset Goat? Butter & Roofus D., owners of Scott & Kelly Dustin, of IL.
Front and back of card.
Inside of card.
Heidi and Hannah, owners of Hancock, Harper, Jim & Wendy Todd, of IA.
Samantha, Tequila with Kota Samantha, Tequila (ATB), with Kota (inset) owners of Karen & Ed Muchmore, of CO.
Maggie, Elmo, Lionel & Sadie, the Bassets Maggie, Elmo, Lionel, Sarah and Sadie, owners of Nigel, Julie & John Stevenson of WA.
Daisy and Fred Daisy and Fred, owners of Sam & Debra Spera, of PA.
Happy Howlidays Quincy, Baxter and forever foster Jed, owners of Dan & Mary McDonald of LA.
Duke and Roxie Roo Duke and Roxie Roo,
owners of
Felicia Bear of HI.
Snooters to you Tucker, owner of Mary Epping of WI.
We are too cute! Maggie and Tillie owners of the Kelleys, of OH.
Santa Paws! Louie, Foster the Beagle owners of The Vermilyas and Wannabe c@ts Sam, Sadie, Peanut, Fluffy & Lily, all from PA.
Humiliate who?  Where's Santa Paws? Toby and Daisy owners of Susan Randolph, DE.
K9CASA Lolly, Spike, Snowy & Gomer, owners of The Stefliks, CO.
Don't mess with the Tank Hounds. Duke, Ozzie, Blue and Bert owners of The Stokers, CO.
Cleo and Tinker Cleo & Tinker, owners of Rick & Linda Larson, CO.
November 30, 2005 Sweet Sarah and Frank the Tank, owners of the Kay Family, Virginia.
November 30, 2005 Otis, Cletus, Peanut, Bella Boo, Bailey & Cleo owners of Mary Terry, NH.

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