Dylan & Harry, owners of Diane & John Rebhann of FL.

Penny & Polly, owners of Eleri & Jean-Pierre Pastouret of Vence, France.

Lucy, Lilly & Daisy, owners of Bill & Dawn Jackson of PA.

Molly & Casey, owners of The Eubank Family of KS.

Pollyanna & Teddi, owners of Marty.

Jennie Mae & Annie Belle WC, owners of Cookie.

Pauline, Elmo, Gracie & Bosley Lindy.

The Wild Bunch, owners of Jean Harris.

Basil (ATB) & Lucy, owners of Melissa & Brian of CA.

The Masterpiece Bassets, owners of Debbie Johnson of WI.

Peaches, owner of the Holland Family of TN.

Truman & Brody, owners of Steve & Joan Conrad of IA.

Blue, owner of the Tonjes Family of CA.

The Hounds of Hamilton with Chunky, Maggie & Olive, owners of Marilyn & Gerry Deucher of OH.

Lucy, Otis, Peony, Buster, Bailey, Ralphie, Bella Boo, Divi, Fritzie & Buddy Dawg, owners of the Chase Family of NH.

HoneyBelle & Ruby, owners of Kerrie Kerns of TX.

Abby, owner of Marin Roberts of CA.

Molly, Sluggo & Jimmy owners of Ron & Tami Clements of CA.

Huckleberry, Ranger, Audrey (ATB) & Daisy Bug, owners of Ruth Mayberry of MO.

Wednesday & Booty, owners of Lisa of AL.

Diesel & Charlie, owners of Jean & Bill Richardson of OR.

KyleeDawn & KaitlynnSkye, owners of Glenda Kroshus of AK.

Yowza & Jack, owners of Sara & Matt Aipperspach of MN.

Hadley & Toby, owners of Nancy Schaefer of CT.

Beulah, owner of Pat & Ron Bellinger of IL. Timmy ATB 1997- 2009.

Holly, Anna & Gracie, owners of Anita Woodrum of TX.

Arthur & Barney, owners of Maria Graham of IL.

Chloe, Roscoe, Buster, Gidget & Patches, owners of Vi Osborne of South Jersey.

Bella & Pearl, owners of Bob & Sharon Hall of CA.

Darwin, Freckles, Kuma & Chipper, owners of Kevin & Tamara Kaizukas of CA.

Thomas & Dutchess, owners of Rick & Carol Shultz of MI.

Let's play name that Basset, owner of the Curtis Family of CT.

Albee, owner of John & Denise Manna of FL.

Louie, owner of Sue Nickle & Bill Gabb of FL.

Bently, Abby, Belle & Tiffany, owners of the Eveleigh's of OH.

Fred, owner of the DeBoth family of WI.

OK! Jackie & April came with no owners advertised. Please e-mail me if you know who owns these wonderful hounds!

Elmo & Blossom, owners of Barb & Tom Stacey of MO.